News about  Ostetal



2023, October 19th

The HZP's have ended and we are pleased that 5 young dogs from the A II litter were presentet to Germany and passed successfully.



The 88th International Hegewald breeding selection test in Ankum is over. Alma II vom Ostetal passed the exam consistently in the sg. She showed her best discipline in searching, here she showed how she searches energetically, uses her fantastic nose, is manageable and shows obedience.
The breeding value judges in the upper estate awarded the form and hair value F8/H8. All in all, Alma has shown that she is an excellent hunting dog, and we are very proud of that.
We have decided to give Alma to a passionate hunter and dog handler household. If you are interested, simply call +49 173-6975388.


The B-II litter is from parents who have been tested for form and performance!
Here is the litter display on the drahthaar page:
(If this addition of performance breeding is not yet noted in the litter report, it will be added in the next few days!)


Alma II gets her first attribution:



The B II litter from Yessi vom Ostetal to Billy "Bautz" von der Moorheide is here!!!!
See more under litters


2023, April 24th

The VJP is over and we are happy that 8 young dogs of the A II litter were led in Germany and Serbia.


2023, April

On April 11th, 2023, Yessi's pregnancy was confirmed by an ultrasound, which makes us very happy. In shorthand for mating:
Yessi (VJP:79pts; HZP (Hegewald):221pts; VGP: I./336 ÜF; AH-Btr-Vbr-HN) and Billy "Bautz" von der Moorheide (VJP:74pts; HZP:180pts; VGP: I. /323pts ÜF "Suchensieger"; Btr-HN-LN sil-Saujager DD).
The litter falls as a litter in form and performance tested parents!


2023, March

On 04.03. Yessi vom Ostetal was occupied by Billy "Bautz" von der Moorheide. Yessi was very good. The process of hanging the dogs took just a few minutes.

The B-II litter vom Ostetal will be born at the beginning of the merry month of May around May 6th. expected.



If you are interested in a puppy from this pairing, please contact us by phone or email/contact form.

2023, January

A-II Litter:
The first month of the year is almost over and the time until the VJP for the A-II litter is not far away. We are very excited to see what the young dogs will show then. Until then, we wish everyone a good preparation time!

2022, December


2022, November

In cold weather conditions, Yago vom Ostetal with Guide Dorit Ohlau passed the 20-hour Schweißfährte in Boecke, Brandenburg on November 19th, 2022 in third prize!
Congratulation and Waidmannsheil!

2022, October

registration of the new maternal line "Ostetal-Oeynhausen-vom Walde-St"
