Female Alma II vom Ostetal

Color: Braunschimmel
D.O.B.: 18.03.2022
DGStB: -,
Form/Hair: 8/8
Height/Length: 60/61
VJP: 1. 67Pkt sil 2. 75Pkt
HZP: Hegewald Ankum 211 Pkt (219Pkt)
Performances: AH; HN
Health: HD (A), OCD frei, ED frei, Homozygotic Rauhaar
Alma is a highly passionate dog with an absolute willingness to find things. She shows very good pointing abilities and happily brings back game that she finds and is capable of retrieving. She is trained as a Bringselverweiser. Alma is also a family dog and is always with children in contact. She also shows a great connection to her leader. Be it browsing, water work or searching during a battue. Alma wants to please her handler and work for him.
She is the right dog for an active hunter, ideally with a family.